Richy Lou, Finance Chair 2014 – 2016
I had just moved back to NYC from grad school and had just come out to my parents. Feeling all sorts of mixed emotions, I was seeking a community where I felt safe to be who I was and supported. That’s how I found GAPIMNY. I realized that I wasn’t alone in how I felt and in dealing with the issues I struggled to understand, so I finally found a community.
I was asked to join an SC meeting to explore how I could be more active. I realized that this could be a way for me to give back to the QAPI community in a meaningful way. As the Finance Chair, I’m able to contribute my skills to help organize and shape the future financial success of GAPIMNY. I’m proud to say that being involved with GAPIMNY over the last 3 years has really increased my self confidence while allowing me the opportunity to help in a meaningful way. I know there are others out there who are seeking organizations like ours, so knowing that we are working towards something this impactful keeps me motivated on the SC.