Thursday, July 14, 2011, 7pm
Even as New York becomes the largest state to legalize same sex marriage, the queer body remains a point of contention in public policy and literature. In writing the queer body, its desires and representations, literary borders manifest themselves not only as gender, sexuality, and race, but also voice, form, and genre. To discuss queer approaches to writing, we invite Ronaldo Wilson, Rahul Mehta, Kit Yan, and Ching-In Chen to share their work and border-crossings.
Avant-garde poet Ronaldo Wilson will read from Poems of the Black Object, detailing the nitty-gritty of bodily fluids, illicit subcultures, and dream states to critique the objectification of the black queer body. Short story writer Rahul Mehta will take us across continents, uncomfortable family gatherings, and bitter generational rifts to reveal the growing pains of being gay + Indian American in Quarantine. Multi-genre poet Ching-In Chen will play with form and theatrical jazz aesthetics in her latest work. While spoken word artist Kit Yan will render all those things into soulful confessions and laugh-out-loud humor. Don’t miss these readings and performances, followed by a Q+A discussion on queer writing.

@ The Asian American Writers’ Workshop
110-112 West 27th Street, 6th Floor
Between 6th and 7th Avenues
Buzzer 600
open to the public
$5 suggested donation