Are you interested in learning more about immigration in the United States, especially how we got to the current moment? Come to this training to learn with peers about what got us here and what we can do moving ahead.
Wednesday, May 29
7-9 PM
LOCATION CHANGE – No longer at Project Reach. Now at 28 West 39th St. Suite 501 (above a hair salon, buzz for Immigrant Defense Project (IDP) at the outside buzzer)
RSVP here:
For anyone with immediate immigration needs, you can contact the New York Immigration Coalition for resources, or check out their website: http://www.thenyic.
GAPIMNY participates in QASAPI (Queer Asian South Asian Pacific Islander), a collective for politically-minded queer Asian, South Asian and Pacific Islander folks to work on issues impacting the community. This year, QASAPI is focusing on immigration and how it impacts our community.