Snafu Bar & Lounge, New York, NY
Ugly sweater potluck to commemorate the end of the year while facilitating donations of supplies for homeless LGBTQ youth.
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The Graduate Center, CUNY, Elebash Hall, New York, NY
Kessler Award lecture by Richard Fung.
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Boxers HK, New York, NY
A regular Happy Hour for gay Asians in NYC
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Museum of Chinese in America, New York, NY
Featuring two films by Richard Fung that explore the queer history of 19th century Chinese immigration to Canada, and the plight of two Sikh men entrapped by Vancouver police in 1915.
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Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Film Center at NYU, New York, NY
Featuring four video works by Richard Fung—spanning from 1986-2000—that place desire within the spaces of time, geography, and the body.
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