A commitment to anti-racism: Throughout GAPIMNY’s history, members have challenged racial bias and discrimination in the LGBTQ community, not just against Asian and Pacific Islander communities but against other communities as well.
A commitment to anti-homophobia and transphobia: GAPIMNY has launched campaigns and participated in various events and actions to challenge homophobia and transphobia, particularly in the Asian Pacific Islander (API) communities.
Solidarity with black, latinx, and indigenous communities: Historically, GAPIMNY has been connected with other LGBTQ people of color organizations including Men of All Colors Together (MACT), Audre Lorde Project, FIERCE, and Project Reach. GAPIMNY members understand that the issues we experience as queer and transgender Asian Pacific Islanders are connected to the issues of other queer and transgender people of color.
Immigrant Justice: Many folks who have joined GAPIMNY are undocumented. GAPIMNY has worked with LGBTQ and immigrant rights organizations to make sure that their stories are heard.
Inclusion: Throughout the years, GAPIMNY has thought about how to be more inclusive and representative of all people that comprise LGBTQ and API. Some of the groups that we have actively discussed:
- Trans and gender non-conforming inclusion (see above)
- Pan-ethnic inclusion (not just East Asian)
- Language inclusion (not just English-speaking)
- Class inclusion (making sure that events are affordable/have affordable options and marketing events to people from all class backgrounds)
- Age inclusion (multi-generational)
- Disability inclusion (making our events accessible in all forms)
Safer Spaces: We do not believe there is any space that is totally safe from harm, violence, and oppression, but we strive to create spaces that are as safe as possible. In addition, we respect that some members may not want their participation to be public. For example, at our events we ask folks to tell us if they do NOT want their photos taken/posted.
Economic Justice: GAPIMNY prioritizes the needs of working class and resource-poor members of our community and other communities of color. This commitment to combating capitalistic self-interest and income inequality is exemplified by our history of redistributing funds from class-privileged community members and allies to those in need.