Dear friends,
We are days away from the first-ever Asian LGBTQ contingent in NYC’s Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade!!
We need you, your friends & family to come fly our colorful fish kites, hold banners, pass out beautiful postcards & pens, serve as marshals/security, or just be part of our historic contingent. If you cannot march with us, we still really need you to be an enthusiastic member of the crowd/cheerleader and join us for food afterwards!
(*The NYU Korean Drumming team is coaching a group of us to drum for the parade!!! :D)
SUNDAY, FEB. 21, 2010
11:30 AM on Mott Street, between Hester & Spring.
(Walk up Mott Street until you see our Lunar New Year for All banners & colorful fish kites.)
Please leave yourself extra time to arrive at the meeting location; it will be very crowded!
Post-Parade CELEBRATION: We will all head over to eat Dim Sum together immediately after marching.
~3:00pm-ish at
Jing Fong Golden Harvest Restaurant
18 Elizabeth Street, just south of Canal
Ask for “Q-Wave” tables (This includes GAPIMNY as well). Approximately $10-$15 per person.
(Everyone is welcome to join us with family & friends, even if you cannot march in the parade.)
Thanks & See you soon!
—the LUNAR NEW YEAR FOR ALL 2010 Planning Team
Irene, Don, Fay, Jin, Nat, Kian, Karen, Olympia, Aries, Ken, Patrick