STARFRUIT HARVEST is the second event created by the Trans Justice Committee of GAPIMNY, a grassroots group that organizes to empower trans and queer Pacific Islanders and Asians.
For many trans people, the barriers we face to healthcare, housing, employment, self-love, family, and more, make it impossible to thrive. In fact, many of us have never imagined what thriving is to us. When we are unable to take care of ourselves and find stability, we are more likely to hurt others, even those within our community.
STARFRUIT HARVEST is a celebration that is guided by rigor, accountability, and expression. In the afternoon, a panel of trans femmes (inclusive of trans women and nonbinary femmes) will engage topics about self-love and solidarity across different racial and ethnic backgrounds. Panelists will speak to the specific issues of their communities and how we can better show up for each other. In the evening, a slate of trans Pacific Islander and Asian performers will take the stage to showcase our talents!
Suggested donation of $8-15 dollars. No one will be turned away.
Accessibility: This space has a ramp and an elevator. The event is English-speaking and will not have ASL or multi-language interpretation. Please arrive scent-free for folks who are allergic to fragrances.
Sunday, November 3, 2019, 2pm – 7pm
The LGBT Center, 208 W 13th St, New York, NY