From the Asian American Federation:
Join AAF for a Peace Vigil for Victims of Asian Hate to honor the victims of the Atlanta shootings, recognize the countless lives that have been impacted by anti-Asian violence, and make a call to action for elected leaders and all New Yorkers to ensure greater safety and accountability for vulnerable Asian Americans.
Tuesday night’s Atlanta shootings were the latest acts of violence against the Asian American community, which, according to the Stop AAPI Hate reporting platform, has suffered nearly 3,800 bias incidents nationally in the past year. In New York City, bias incidents number over 700 based on figures collected by AAF, Stop AAPI Hate, NYPD, and the Commission on Human Rights.
The outdoor vigil will provide an opportunity for community leaders and members to come together to mourn the victims of senseless violence and brutality, and to recommit ourselves to building community and community-based solutions to ensure greater safety for Asian Americans and for all New Yorkers.
PLEASE NOTE: AAF will require that participants wear masks and practice social distancing to ensure safety and minimal risk to all attendees.
Friday, March 19, 2021, 6pm ET
Union Square, New York, NY, 10003
Read their Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/aafederation/aaf-condemns-atlanta-shootings
Facebook Event Here: https://www.facebook.com/events/503995897624880/