Nothing Lost in Translation: 25 years of GAPIMNY exhibition incorporates multimedia and intergenerational dialogues reflecting on the intersectional programs pioneered by GAPIMNY’s entirely volunteer membership. It offers a layered investigation into issues of race, gender, sexuality, public health, immigration, and citizenship facing GAPIMNY and its constituents today.
Interactive elements:
GAPIMNY Love – bit.ly/GAPIMNYLove
Interview with Don Kao – bit.ly/GAPIMNYDonKao
GAPIMNY’s Shower-in – bit.ly/GAPIMNYShowerIn
History of DowneTime – bit.ly/GAPIMNYDowneTime
Detail’s Gay or Asian – bit.ly/GAPIMNYDetails
GAPIMNY Poems – bit.ly/GAPIMNYPoem
Monday – Friday: 10am 5:45pm
Saturday: 10am – 5pm
Sunday: Closed
Open till December 11, 2015.