Downetime is turning 4 years old! Come celebrate with us at Xe Lua, a Vietnamese restaurant, in Chinatown. Let’s have some dinner, celebrate the past 4 years of building community and help set the stage for Downetime in the coming year. Come on out and meet the community. Let us know you are planning on coming by e-mailing [email protected] with the subject “Downetime dinner”
WHEN? Thursday, September 15, 8-10 PM
WHERE? Xe Lua , 86 Mulberry Street
This month’s meeting is open to queer and questioning Asian men and trans folk in their 20s. Former and new members of Downetime are encouraged to attend. And if you don’t want dinner but just want to chat and mingle, come anyway!
DowneTime is a monthly GAPIMNY confidential support and discussion group open to self-identified young adult queer Asian/Asian American men/ transgender people of all experience levels. The group’s goals are to create a safe space for young queer Asian/Asian American men/transgender people to discuss issues and shared experiences relating to identity, community, and activism. Learn more about us:
This event is sponsored by GAPIMNY (Gay Asian Pacific Islander Men of New York).
Questions/concerns? E-mail us at [email protected]