Part III: Election Discussion and Debrief
Join us to talk about the results of the election and what it all means for our queer ASAP communities. We’ll be talking about some of the major issues that remain pressing, including immigration, health reform, and marriage quality.
We’ll also talk about Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath, and how to best join the volunteer efforts, especially in terms of reaching out to undocumented and transgendered folks in our communities.
And finally, we will be collecting donations to go through Project Hospitality to 13 undocumented families in Staten Island who lost everything in Hurricane Sandy (and are not eligible for certain kinds of aid). Below is a list of items that have been identified as much-needed:
new socks and underwear towels GENTLY used blankets GENTLY used scarves & gloves diapers and wipes cleaning supplies (garbage bags, bleach, mops) non-perishable foods
CUNY Graduate Center
Room 9204
365 Fifth Avenue at 34th St*

Defending the Asian American Vote
As a follow up to the Asian American voters’ poll monitoring and exit-poll surveying, AALDEF needs volunteers to process the surveys. Volunteer sign up.